Sunday, Closing Festivities at Twin Creeks 

2017 Tom Henry Memorial Cup

Thursday...the arrival -

Sunday, Rd 3 at Twin Creeks - 

The 2017 Tom Henry Memorial Cup was a huge success.  Team Texas had the home course advantage which proved to be the difference.  The fellas from Florida battled hard, but in the end, the trophy and bragging rights go to Texas winning 34.5 to 21.5.  Bryan Kennedy, Ben Hinerfeld, and Keith Phelps all went 5-1 to earn top honors for Texas.  Billy Mutschler went unbeaten again (4-0) and continued to pad his already stellar record to a gaudy 12-0-2!  All four of these gents earned my Co-MVP's!  Team Florida, led by Gary Delveccio, had a few players that stood out as well.  Mike Johnson, Lawrence Whitnall, and Frank Giachopelli (Team Florida's all time point leader) all went 3-2-1. Well played guys!  The next edition of this fun tournament will be held in Northern Ireland in 2020 which will mark the tenth anniversary of my father's passing.  Thanks to all that helped put the 2017 THMC together!  Without your assistance, this event couldn't have happened.

Team Florida

13   Gary Delvecchio - Capt.
10   Ian Henry

12   Skip Whitley

  2   Brett Whitley

  4   Blake Whitley

15   Frank Giacopelli

13   Mike Johnson

  8   Graham Wiggett

  9   Chris Oostheisen

17   Kevin Ford

  3   Lawrence Whitnall

20   Paul Walsh

  7   Wayne Taylor

  6   Laynce Nix* here.

Friday, Rd 1 at Horseshoe Bay Apple Rock - 

Team Texas

  5   Ross Henry - Capt.
  5   Patrick Giles
  8   Thomas Haley
  3   Matt Wahl
  7   Myron Jordahl*
  3   Robert Specjal
10   Mike Marketos
  8   Ben Hinerfeld
  3   Bryan Kennedy
14   Ken Perry
  9   Brad Hoar
  3   Chris Lyles*
  5   Billy Mutschler
  8   Keith Phelps*
17   Terry Robinson*
  6   Mark Herrin*
  2   James Gustafson

  6   Andy Boutot

12   Patricia Henry - Alt